Kerala Kaumudi Online
Friday, 14 June 2024 5.34 PM IST

"Bibhav Kumar hit me on my stomach and chest and hit my head on the table', says Swati Maliwal; Police recreate crime scene at Kejriwal's residence


NEW DELHI: With Delhi going to polls on the 25th, the Swati Maliwal controversy has put Chief Minister Kejriwal and the Aam Aadmi Party on the defensive. Maliwal's statement to the police that she was brutally assaulted by Kejriwal's personal secretary Bibhav Kumar at Kejriwal's residence has fueled questions about women's safety in the election arena.

Delhi police and forensic team, who reached Kejriwal's residence today along with Maliwal, recreated the crime scene. A move to collect CCTV footage has been started. Statements of eyewitnesses will be taken. Maliwal gave a confidential statement in the Tis Hazari Court. The party rejected Maliwal's allegation that Kejriwal was at the residence. An FIR has been registered against Bibhav Kumar, including charges of attempt to murder. Bibhav Kumar also filed a police complaint against Maliwal.

At the same time, a Hindi news channel released mobile footage of an argument between Maliwal and security personnel. In the video, Maliwal is seen speaking angrily, the staff can be seen asking her to leave. The Aam Aadmi Party responded that this is what actually happened.

"On May 13 at nine in the morning, I was sitting in the visiting room to meet Kejriwal. Bibhav Kumar shouted abuse at me without any provocation. I screamed for help. I pushed Bibhav away with my leg. Bibhav thrashed me, dragged me, hit my head on the table. He hit me on my stomach and chest. He slapped my face eight times. Despite my screams, no one helped me.

-Swati Maliwal

'Maliwal incident is a conspiracy of BJP. Maliwal was sent by BJP. Kejriwal was not at home".

- Atishi, Delhi Education Minister

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